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Environment Project

During the junior year of the CU Denver animation program, we took a course that taught you how to build environments with your team. We had 4 projects within 16 weeks. Our first one was how to deal with crunch time. Another was reconstructing a render using RenderMan. The final two were using tracking camera shots. I learned from the experience on how it's important to be on the ball with your team through communication and organization. Some of the groups I was in had creative struggles and time management. It taught me how to keep track of renders and if there are glitches stop and see what can be fixed before the deadline comes. 

The final environment was recreating our crunch time environment of our version of the Blade Runner City. We were given the option to bounce between both of the films. I was in charge of modeling, set dressing, and texturing some of the environment models. By far my favorite items of the environment was discovering a new way to texture an object using gradient colors and balancing emission to create neon signs. When I looked at the film I noticed the culture was a hybrid of American and Japanese icons. I wanted to make sure with what I was modeling, it would be accurate to the time period this movie was filmed in and making sure anything written with Japanese characters is accurate to icon items.  Below are the Items I made as well as the final footage. The environment was made in a group of twelve students. 

Pan Amupdate.png

Programs used: Maya and Substance Painter

In charge of modeling paper lanterns, neon signs (see above video), ladders, side building grates, noodle bar stand, chairs, bottles, origami crane, fuse box, bowls, wall behind the noodle bar and the side table by the window.


In charge of texturing building with 5 rows of windows, building with the DAC logo panning upwards, low table in the bar, neon signs (see above video), ladders, grates, and fuse boxes, bottles, chairs, paper lanterns, origami crane, noodle bar wall, noodle bar stand, and side table.

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